Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stevia Switch

So I've made the switch to Stevia. After all of the research I've been doing on processed foods I slowly realized I was going to need to rid myself of Splenda. The break up is not going well and I'm still trying to get use to its replacement. We're still building trust as this product has only been approved by the FDA for a couple years but the fact that is an all natural sweetener is what has drawn me in. It has a bit of a bitter taste at the end but it will suffice. I miss Splenda dearly and still cheat every now and then. Here's an article I found debating the two sweeteners.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Motivation of the Day

Motivation of the Day

My Progress

So I have lost 2lbs! I had been working out like crazy and was only eating 1250 calories and the pounds weren't dropping. I started researching about diet and nutrition and I've learned so much. I started to realize I wasn't eating enough so now I stay within 1300-1400 and I've cut back on cardio and have started doing more strength training. This is all thanks to Jillian's advice. She's so amazing. The FitBit really helps too. It lets me know when I need to burn more and now I take the steps all the time instead if the elevator. Every little bit really does count!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Slim for Life Tip from Jillian Michaels

Slim for Life Tip from Jillian Michaels:

"After you eat a "cheat meal" or treat, follow it with at least five healthy meals.

Excerpt From: Michaels, Jillian. "Slim for Life." Harmony, 2013-02-12. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBookstore: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=588212789

Book Review

Book Review: Slim for Life by Jillian Michaels

Jillian Michaels, the mother of all trainers, truly changed my life a couple years ago. Following her blog and using her fitness DVD's helped me lose 30 pounds. Now that I'm trying to lose the last 10 I have turned to her again. I'm only a fourth of the way through the book and I've already learned so much. It's a great tool for losing weught and staying healthy. I'm going to start posting some of my favorite tips from the book so stay tuned!

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I bought this little gem last night on the way to my Archery lesson. I've been curious as to how many calories I'm burning each day as my progress to lose the last 10lbs has been slow. After researching and comparing all the pedometers and fitness trackers out there I went along with the FitBit. I love that you can hide this one unlike the many wristbands they have out there. This little guy tracks your steps, calories burned, distance traveled, stairs climbed, hours slept and your quality of sleep. I am only on day one but so far so good. I'm already motivated to get up and move more! Ill keep you updated on my review.

Hunger Game

I totally got my Hunger Game on last night at a local Archery gym. It was so fun! My Fitness Pal says it burned 200 calories but I'm not so sure. My arms are sore though!

Motivation of the Day

Motivation of the Day

Please excuse my hiatus. I'm still at it. I am 2 pounds down at 125. Woohoo!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I got my butt up at 5am to try a Studio Cycle class at my gym. It was awesome! At the end my legs felt so much like jelly I thought they were going to buckle. I was always scared to try this class because I heard it kicked your ass. And kicked my ass it did... in a good way. I burned 500 calories in a hour. I highly recommend trying this class at your local gym.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Pray for Boston

Pray for Boston

30 Day Squat Challenge

3 miles ran and 60 squats smashed at 3:45pm! I got off track with my weekend festivities but I'm back in the saddle. If you fall down always get back up!

Friday, April 12, 2013

30 Day Squat Challenge

30 Day Squat Challenge begins today!
I found this on Khloe Kardashian's instagram account and I'm excited to try it and add it on to my workouts. I have a bikini to get into in just 7 weeks! Lets get started!

50 squats smashed at 6:30am!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fitness Challenge

I was in bed when I saw this. Where will you be? Just do it! Every extra effort counts.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Motivation of the Day

Motivation of the Day
This is so true. Working out when you're tired and skipping the dessert Joe Schmo brought to work is what gets results.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oatmeal has become my favorite new breakfast meal. I just add water to a packet of instant plain Quaker Oats, heat it up for a minute and add a Splenda packet and one Tbsp of Sweetened Shredded Coconut. It's so yummy. With that I'll either have a side of Greek Yogurt or a cup of fruit. That's usually only 200 calories

Workout Playlist

Need a new playlist for your workout tonight? Go buy Justin Timberlake's new album The 20/20 Experience. I've worked out to it a few times and added most of the songs to my iPod mini. It's great for keeping pace and keeping you pumped up. Who knew JT could work me out so well?!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Motivation of the Day:
This is so true for me. After boxing yesterday I felt like a new woman. I feel so confident after accomplishing such a tough workout. It makes me feel alive and strong.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Recipe: Grilled Chicken Spinach Salad

Dinner Tonight: Grilled Chicken Salad
This meal was delicious and came in at only 370 calories. Recipe makes 4 servings.

Juice of 1 lemon (3Tbsp)
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp basil or oregano
1lb of Chicken Breast

3 cups of spinach
1 cup of cherry tomatos
1 Avocado
4 tbs of shredded mozzarella part-skim

Mix the first 6 ingredients in a bowl. Poor mixture over chicken and marinate for an hour or however long you like. Cook chicken until done. Let cool. Mix salad ingredients in a bowl. Shred chicken and toss over salad mixture!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Recipe: Tortilla Pizza

Lunch Recipe
For lunch today I whipped up a healthy pizza. Check out this easy recipe.
1 Low Carb Whole Wheat Tortilla
2 Tbs of Spaghetti Sauce
2 Tbs of Skim Mozzarella Cheese
2 Tsp of Parmesan Cheese
1/2 of a small tomato cut in slices
1 slice of red onion
Preheat oven at 400 degrees. Pile toppings on and bake 5-8 minutes. Voila!

Fitness Tip

Fitness Tip:
Running on an incline of only 5% will burn 15% more calories during your workout.

Motivation of the Day

Motivation of the Day


Here lies my breakfast. I must redeem myself after having dinner with friends last night. Even though I ordered fish and skipped the rice I had two glasses of red wine and sit bread pudding. Don't judge. Today is a new day and every time you slip up you have to keep going and not give up!

I tried the new Special K Berry waffles with a 1/2 TBS of Simply Jif peanut butter. They were ok. They are 50 calories less than regular Kellogg waffles coming in at 150. Berries and coffee included, my breakfast came in at 300 calories.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Panera Bread

My lunch from Panera Bread was under 500 calories! I love Panera for days when Im too lazy to cook. You can mix and match so many items on the Pick Two Menu. Here's a list of my favorite picks:

Chopped Chicken Cobb (no avocado) 250c
Thai Chopped Chicken Salad 240c
Asian Sesame Chicken 240c
Classic 90c

Broccoli Cheddar 200c
Chicken Noodle 80c
French Onion 190c

Tuna Salad 250c
Smoked Turkey on Honey Wheat 210c
Roasted Turkey & Avocado 260c

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Fitness Pal

I need some motivation. This weather and my vacation hangover has left me less then enthusiastic about working out and depriving myself if sugar and carbs! Is anyone on MyFitnessPal? I need friends! My username is roxie_fitness

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Throwing Punches

I'm headed back to boxing tonight for the first time in a few weeks. This may be the best or worst idea I've had since I haven't worked out since my departure to Chicago. If you've never tried it... go! It's the best workout. It burns tons if calories and rips you up. Check out Title Boxing Club for locations.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Staying Fit on Vacation

I'm headed out to Chicago tomorrow for a long weekend get away. To say I'm frazzled is an understatement. I'm determined not to waste all the hard work I've put in thus far. So I came up with a list of tips to remain fit while on vacation.

- Share meals with your friends. This will save money too!
- Order half sizes or lunch portions while at dinner.
- Walking and site-seeing is your friend! Skip trains and cabs and try to walk as much as possible.
- Allow yourself one treat a day to curb deprivation.
- Water is your best friend! Make sure you drink 8 glasses or more.
- Remember the "5 A Day" rule and eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. This will provide enough fiber to keep you feeling fuller longer.
- Only eat when you are hungry. Don't fall into the "I'm on vacation" mentality and over indulge.
- Fit in 15 min workouts. Pinterest has great home workouts if your hotel doesn't have a gym. Here is one I plan to try:

Wish me luck!

Motivation of the Day

Motivation of the Day

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tonight's Dinner

Tonight's Dinner: Sautéed Garlic Shrimp with Quinoa. Another Pinterest success at only 395 calories. Check out the recipe here:

Motivation of the Day

Workout DVD

I completed Level 2 of Jillian's Shred it with Weights last night and boy is my glut-emus maximus sore! Kettle bell workouts are amazing for changing your body. I haven't done it in almost a year and I can feel it. I'm looking forward to it making changes in my body again. It's the perfect 30 minute workout for when you're low on time.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Recipe Post

Here's what a 345 calorie dinner looks like. Thanks to The Enchanted Cook blog, I enjoyed a lowfat version of Parmesan Chicken. It was so moist and delicious! You can find the recipe here:


Motivation of the Day

I need to start enforcing this motto back into my life. I use to get up at 5am and workout all the time but 5am and I broke up about 6 months ago. I have a busy week coming up and on Wednesday I am going to knock on her door and see if we can rekindle the flame. Wish me luck!

Nike Shoes

Hello lover! Yes, please. I'd like these in a size 6. Thanks!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I must tell myself this. I'm so sore from my last two workouts. This is great since I haven't been sore for three weeks but... it hurts! I feel old. I use to love being sore but instead I feel crippled. Regardless, I shall push forward. I am also down two pounds. Congrats to me!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Motivation of the Day

Motivation of the Day

Good Morning

Good Morning! Today is a new day. I vow to behave and feed my body only the best food it deserves.

Breakfast? Check!
Blueberry Waffles with 1/2 Tbsp of Peanut Butter
Coffee with 2 Tbsp Cream
300 Calories

Now off to the gym. Happy Saturday!

Friday, March 8, 2013

I failed miserably. I caved into my PMS... my PMS and Girl Scout Cookies. After a 1/4 of the box was devoured I threw the rest in the trash!

I find irony in the fact that I posted about craving sweets today. Earlier I was thinking, "Pop sounds so good. And pizza... and Ice cream. Wtf is wrong with me?" I remembered my recent google on reasons you crave sweets and ate a salad. 10 minutes later my cramps screamed, "Gimme ice cream now!" And then I realized PMS was rearing its ugly head today. Question is: can I resist or do I give in?

I go through periods where I crave sweets like crazy! It gets so bad that I blackout and wake up having ate a whole carton of ice cream! Ok, it's not that bad but sweet cravings do not help you lose fat. So I took to my friend Goggle and created this list of reasons you could have a case of sweet tooth.

- lack of sleep
- dehydration
- stress
- lack of protein in your diet
- sweeteners

Typically if I get sleep, drink more water and add protein to my diet my cravings subside. Happy Eating!

I am on Bloglovin

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Always remember

I love CrossFit workouts. Here is a new one I have to try thanks to http://fitsugar.com

Recipe Post

My dinner from the other night. Its only 319 calories!

Greek Quinoa Avocado Salad. You can find the recipe here:


Follow me

Follow me on MyFitnessPal! My username is roxie_fitness
Welcome! Two years ago I started my journey to lose 40 pounds that I put on when I was about 18. Apparently "The Freshman 15" wasn't enough for me and that cliche needed to be exceeded. Any who, I lost 40 pounds, and have maintained my weight for about a year. I never went the extra mile and lost that extra 10... until now. Bikini season is around the corner and I plan on exceeding everyone's New Years resolution and actually lose the weight. I have until the end of May and I'm starting this blog to motivate myself and anyone that wants to join me along for the ride! Wish me luck.